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Soooo you’ve always wanted to try meditating. Or journaling. Or mindfulness. Or one of those other mental health tips that people always say would help you SO much but you’ve just never tried…

And that’s ok.

I do that too. I swear, the things my brain wants to resist are usually the things that end up being most helpful for it in the end (meditation is a huge example of that for me).

So let’s celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month (May!) with a whole week of trying these things together!

Introducing… the Mentally Together Challenge!

On the mornings of May 24-29, at 7am, we’ll hangout on Zoom for 30 minutes - to chat about where our brains are at, share what we’re struggling with (only if you want!), and practice some of the things in our mental health toolkit that we’ve learned from our Mentally Together podcast guests so far!

We’ll set aside time for ourselves each morning to do some things that will bring us joy and get us ready for a good, productive day.

Sound good? Let’s do it!

Each day of the challenge will be focused on a different topic/activity - e.g. getting outside, meditating, journaling. Again, those things you know you should try, but when and how the heck do you start?? We’ll chat through each one and learn some things in the morning, and then I’ll give you an activity to complete for the day!

By the end of the week, hopefully we’ve each tried and learned something new that feels good for our brain!

Sign up for the email list above and you’ll get a daily email with an activity to do for your brain!

Day 1: Meditation + mindfulness

Day 2: Journaling

Day 3: Moving our bodies

Day 4: Unplugging

Day 5: Positive self-talk and affirmations